Welcome to St. Peter's RC Primary School. Admissions for our Reception Class September 2025 are open. We have some space in other year groups. Please contact us to arrange a tour (telephone 01752 217010). Thank you.


SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

A child may, at times, have an educational or other particular need that requires additional support. Children with additional needs are positively nurtured and supported to enable them to grow in confidence in their learning and school experience.

Provision for children with special needs is a matter for the school as a whole. Each class teacher provides a differentiated curriculum for all the children within their class.

We will inform parents when we first identify that a child has a particular need. Parents are encouraged to express any concerns that they may have regarding their child's progress and well being.

When a class teacher identifies a child as having a particular need and making little progress over a period of time, the child, in consultation between the Class Teacher, Parent and Senco may be placed on the school Inclusion List as Special Educational Need Support (SEND). The child then has an IEP [Individual Education Plan]which devises specific targets to address their need. This plan is closely monitored and reviewed and updated throughout the year.

If a child continues to make little progress further expertise is sought, in consultation with the parent and class teacher, from other educational specialists.

In a very small number of enduring cases that cannot be met within the schools provision then an Education Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan) is considered and a proposal is submitted in consultation with the Parent, school and other Educational Agencies.

Many children may experience a particular need in their school life and we at St Peters always endeavour to support children and their families.

Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinator : Miss Victoria Harding

Contact Telephone Number 01752 217010

Email: vharding@st-petersrc.plymouth.sch.uk