Welcome to St. Peter's RC Primary School. Admissions for our Reception Class September 2025 are open. We have some space in other year groups. Please contact us to arrange a tour (telephone 01752 217010). Thank you.


At St.Peter's, Music provides a unique form of communication and allows all children the opportunity to develop creatively, culturally and spiritually. Our broad and ambitious curriculum, rich in skills and knowledge, aims to foster a love of music whilst increasing children's self confidence.
 Music in Romero Class
 This term for music term we have been focussing on the song ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley. We listened to the tempo, pitch, melody and rhythm of this song and found out that the genre is reggae. We also compared ‘Three Little Birds’ to other songs to see what similarities and differences they had – especially if they were both reggae songs.

We used tambourines and chime bars to tap to the rhythm of ‘Three Little Birds’ and then used our knowledge of rhythms and melodies to compose our own rhythms in groups!
Reception/Year 1 have been learning about pulse. They have been working hard to play in time with some of their favourite nursery rhymes.
 Year 4 have also been doing some African drumming this term.
Year 3 have been doing some African Drumming as part of their 'Uganda' unit of work. They have been focusing on rhythm and playing in time with each other.