Welcome to St. Peter's RC Primary School. Admissions for our Reception Class September 2025 are open. We have some space in other year groups. Please contact us to arrange a tour (telephone 01752 217010). Thank you.


Uniform items specific to St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School e.g. cardigans, jumpers, sweatshirts, t-shirts and ties can be ordered via The School Wear Shop in Plymouth https://plymouthschoolwear.co.uk/
Other non-specific items, e.g. shirts, skirts and trouserss, are readily available from various retailers.

All children are expected to wear our school uniform which is:

All children:            

Grey trousers (short or long)

Navy blue pinafore or skirt

White shirt

School tie

V-neck navy blue jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo

Black or grey tights / socks


Reception class:    

Grey trousers and or navy blue pinafore or skirt

Navy blue polo shirt with school logo

Red sweatshirt with school logo

Black or grey socks (boys), navy tights or white socks (girls)

Footwear:  Plain black shoes only, suitable for playing outside, not ‘slip-on’.  Trainers can be worn (plain black no logos or branding).


PE and Games Kit:-

Black shorts and plain red T-shirt (with or without with school logo), and trainers. 

In winter, children can wear plain black tracksuit bottoms.  Strictly no football shirts.

They then wear their usual St. Peter's cardigan/jumper/sweatshirt over the top as needed. 


In the summer, pupils may wear:

  • a blue and white checked dress or;
  • grey shorts and white short sleeved shirt/tie

Watches and small stud earrings are permitted, but for safety reasons jewellery must be removed (or earrings taped) for PE lessons. Hair touching the shoulders needs to be tied back and hair accessories must be discrete and grey/blue/white school colours.

We have a small amount of good quality second hand uniform available in school. Please speak to the office team for more details of how to view and purchase these items.