Welcome to St. Peter's RC Primary School. Admissions for our Reception Class September 2025 are open. We have some space in other year groups. Please contact us to arrange a tour (telephone 01752 217010). Thank you.


A fantastic website covering all of the Primary phase mathematics (also extends to Secondary and A-Level) via interactive, online tasks with immediate feedback. At present, there is a limit to the number of times you can complete an activity without a subscription and login. #WatchThisSpace
Familiar with the 'Guess the number of sweets in the jar' fair activity? Then look no further than this website (Estimate 180) for all your conjecturing (mathematical guessing) opportunities. Categories of estimation are separated into 'days' enabling an initial understanding to be developed upon for the remainder of the days or 'sessions.'
The website to answer all your burning instant-recall of times tables facts: multiplication and division a-like!
Click on the attached link for an interactive website to develop your fluency of number bond facts (addition and subtraction). There is the added facility to change your 'Challenge Level' to make it more difficult. How quick can you 'Beat the clock?!'
Please click on the attached link to be hyperlinked to Topmarks 'Hit the button' number-knowledge interactive game. There are a variety of different number-knowledge activities that can be chosen to suit the particular strand of mental maths e.g. number bonds to 10; doubles and halves up to 20;and specific times-table facts (multiplication and division).
A selection of questions of varying challenge (bronze; silver; gold; platinum) ideal to practise the rapid recall of number knowledge and apply a reasoned approach to solving problems. Ideal for upper KS2.
Goldmine of mathematical knowledge! Videos with accompanying activities covering numerous mathematical areas of study. Note also, this progresses beyond the primary-phase of study, but extends into secondary and A-level. #HighlyRecommended
Looking to develop procedural fluency to assist with mental arithmetic? Then look no further than this website which provides a variety of mental arithmetic styled activities. Ideal for years 3 through to. Happy mathing!
Looking for interactive manipulatives to explore conceptual understandings of a particular piece of maths? Then check out this website where you can fiddle with a variety of resources to help develop your fluency within mathematical concepts to help problem solve questions in the future. Note: this is an entirely free website.